Project supported by the Foundation with the South as part of the 2017 Call for Women
Strengthen the services offered by anti-violence centers by creating an interinstitutional anti-violence network in the province of Avellino. Be Help-is, the project supported by the CON IL SUD Foundation as part of the 2017 Call for Women, started in April.
Recipients of the program that will last two years, about 100 women victims or potential victims of violence, 40 child victims and witnesses of maltreatment and 2,000 students, teachers and parents.
Women victims of violence at the center of the project.
Training and orientation courses will be dedicated to them for reintegration into the socio-working context, through the creation of a network of relationships with companies, social cooperatives, trade union associations and the employment center, with the provision of work grants and training internships. Also expected to take care of their children, minors who often witness violence, through psychological and educational support, which will also serve to consolidate the mother-child relationship.
Furthermore, during the program, an operational protocol will be drawn up and signed for the operators of the anti-violence network, to whom in the first phase a questionnaire will be submitted to identify their needs in assisting women in difficulty. Questionnaire that will be used to create a targeted training program.
The last part of the Be Help-is project is aimed at primary and secondary schools.Equality educationthrough didactic and laboratory activities for teachers, parents and pupils. For the older ones, secondary school students,emotion education, with a training course that will lead to the creation of videos for the gender-based violence prevention campaign. Audiovisual works that will be presented during the final event, with the awarding of the best product.
14 Be Help-is partners.
Leading body, the social cooperative "La Goccia". Other public and private entities that collaborate in the project are the Municipality of Avellino, the social area A02, the Opus Solidarietatis Pax Foundation, the Consortium of social cooperatives Percorsi, the Caritas of Avellino, the CISL Irpinia Territorial Union. Sannio, the Perseo social enterprise, the Comprehensive Institutes of Forino, Mercogliano and Monteforte and the “Marone”, “Mancini” and “Imbriani” state high schools of Avellino.