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Seminar of 26/10/2017- "C.yes bullies, so fragile "

Concluded the second training seminar 2017 on the theme "Adolescents today: so rebellious, so fragile"

The meeting was attended by about 100 professionals including: social workers, teachers, psychologists, health workers, educators, animators, students, public and private social workers.

The interventions, moderated by the journalistSonia AcerraThey were:

Dr. Alfonso Pepe- Clinical pedagogist of the L'Abbraccio Family Center -"Fragile families"

Dr. Maddalena De Simone- Psychologist at the ASL Avellino Family Consultancy - "Support the skills and responsibilities of the reference adults ".

Referent of the Postal Police DepartmentSection of Avellino - "Cyberbullying and the risks of the network"

Dr. Daniela Cucciniello- Psychologist CAV A02 - "Stereotypes"

Dr. Giusi Pamela Valcalcer- Coordinator CAV A02 - "Gender identity"

Dr. Maria Teresa Cipriano- Head teacher - "The scholastic discomfort"

Prof. Mauro Cozzolino- Scientific Director of CIPPS and Aggregate Prof. of General Psychology University of Salerno -"Emotional education: from emotional abduction to recognition and management".

L'educazione alle emozioni

Intervento Prof. Cozzolino

L'identità di genere

Intervento dr.ssa Valcalcer

Gli Stereotipi

Intervento dr.ssa Cucciniello

Video sui Rischi della rete

Referente Polizia Postale - video sui Rischi della rete

Video sul Cyberbullismo

Referente Polizia Postale - video sul Cyberbullismo

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