Seminar of 26/10/2017- "C.yes bullies, so fragile "
Concluded the second training seminar 2017 on the theme "Adolescents today: so rebellious, so fragile"
The meeting was attended by about 100 professionals including: social workers, teachers, psychologists, health workers, educators, animators, students, public and private social workers.
The interventions, moderated by the journalistSonia AcerraThey were:
Dr. Alfonso Pepe- Clinical pedagogist of the L'Abbraccio Family Center -"Fragile families"
Dr. Maddalena De Simone- Psychologist at the ASL Avellino Family Consultancy - "Support the skills and responsibilities of the reference adults ".
Referent of the Postal Police DepartmentSection of Avellino - "Cyberbullying and the risks of the network"
Dr. Daniela Cucciniello- Psychologist CAV A02 - "Stereotypes"
Dr. Giusi Pamela Valcalcer- Coordinator CAV A02 - "Gender identity"
Dr. Maria Teresa Cipriano- Head teacher - "The scholastic discomfort"
Prof. Mauro Cozzolino- Scientific Director of CIPPS and Aggregate Prof. of General Psychology University of Salerno -"Emotional education: from emotional abduction to recognition and management".