Regional Law of 1 December 2017 n. 34-"Interventions to promote the personal, social and economic autonomy of women victims of gender-based violence and their children and recovery actions aimed at men who perpetrated violence"
Executive Decree n. 160 of 29/05/2015,Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the experimental projects for the establishment of Anti-violence Centers
Executive Decree n. 25 of 17/01/2014,Allocation of resources in favor of local areas for the construction of anti-violence centers
Regional Law n.22 of 21 July 2012 Standards for integration della network_cc781905-5cde-3194905-bbcc5_cc781905-3194bd8-3194bd3-1394bcc5-3194bcc5-1394bcc5-3194bd3-1394bd8-3194bd8 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ territoriali for the reception e_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb5890_b3b-136bad5_ 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ victims by violence_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136b58905-5cde-3194-bb3b-13694b5905cf58d3-3194-136b5890-5bd81-bb58905cc7d81 -136bad5cf58d_ and amendments to the law regional 27 January 2012, n. 1
Regional Law n.2 of 1 February 2011,Measures to prevent and combat gender-based violence
Regional Law n.11 of 23 February 2005,Establishment of centers and shelters and assistance for abused women
DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS 24 November 2017 - National guidelines for health authorities and hospitals on the subject of relief and socio-health assistance to women victims of violence.(18A00520)(GU General Series n.24 of 30-01-2018)
INPS implementation circular no. 65 of 15/04/2016 on leave from work for women victims of violence
State-Regions Conference of 27 November 2014- Minimum Requirements for Anti-violence Centers and Refuge Houses.
Law 119 of 15 October 2013, no. 119 Conversion into law, with amendments, of the decree-law of 14 August 2013, n. 93, bearingurgent provisions on security and for combating gender-based violence
Law n.77 of June 27, 2013,Ratification and implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, made in Istanbul on 11 May 2011.
National Plan against gender violence and stalking - January 2011
Law Decree n. 11 of 23 February 2009 "Urgent measures regarding public safety and the fight against sexual violence, as well as with regard to persecutory acts". Converted into Law 38/2009.
Law n. 38 of 23 April 2009,Conversion into law, with amendments, of the decree-law 23 February 2009, n. 11, bearingurgent measures regarding public safety and the fight against sexual violence, as well as with regard to persecutory acts"- introduces in the Criminal Code (art. 612 bis) thecrime of stalking or stalking
Law n. 154 of 5 April 2001 - "Measures against violence in family relationships"
Law n.66 of February 15, 1996- Rules against sexual violence
The Global status report on violence prevention 2014, reports data from 133 countries, is the first report of its kind to evaluate national efforts to address interpersonal violence, i.e., maltreatment, violence against children, partner and sexual violence and elder abuse.
"World Report on Violence and Health" - theWHO report of 2002calls violence against women "A HEALTH PROBLEM OF HUGE GLOBAL PROPORTIONS"
ISTAT report of 2014published on 05/06/2015 -Violence against women inside and outside the family
ISTAT volumeHow women's lives change -Published on 22/12/2015 -The volume presents an updated picture of the condition of women in Italy and analyzes how the role of women and their context of life in the family, in the world of work and in society has changed over the last decade (2004-2014). -
Stories of women

Monologue for a black-eyed woman- video
F. COPPER- The Rape
In March 1973 she was kidnapped by members of the far right
and undergoes physical and sexual violence, remembered after some time in the play Lo rape, of 1981.
The criminal proceedings reached a definitive sentence only after 25 years: this resulted in the prescription of the crime