Training course for the prevention and contrast of gender-based violence: the construction of an anti-violence network
Tools and methodologies for the integrated work of local operators in the social areas A02 and A04
for the prevention and contrast of gender-based violence
The phenomenon of gender-based violence is a crime and represents a fundamental violation of human rights that crosses all cultures, classes, ethnicities, levels of education, income, and all age groups, representing the most brutal manifestation of historical disparity in the balance of power between genders, which has slowed down and at times prevented the autonomy, self-determination and freedom choices of women all over the world.
The phenomenon includes all acts of violence based on gender, i.e. directed against a woman as such, which cause or are likely to cause harm or suffering of a physical, sexual, psychological or economic nature, including threats to commit such acts, the coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, both in public and private life.
The support combined with the possible protection of women and children who have lived or are living in domestic violence is identified as a priority that requires a coherent and constant intervention that involves all the actors of the community, to allow the woman to follow an effective way out of violence.
It is essential to work to converge towards the creation of a single Operating Protocol that can respond to the emergence of the phenomenon described, implementing an intervention plan to concretely contrast the psychophysical repercussions that affect the victims, and reintegration into the active social fabric.
In this sense, it is necessary to promote a training course of a theoretical and applicative nature, for those who work in the field of policies to combat violence, providing fundamental information relating to the phenomenon, its characteristics and useful indicators for detecting and verifying its seriousness.
This project is aimed at a stabilization perspective of a practice of mutual permanent updating, between the actors of the territorial network and a level of periodic common comparison, in order to overcome the sectorial nature of the various services and guarantee victims of violence a global response. and not fragmented, with overlaps or gaps in intervention.
Main goal
Create an interinstitutional anti-violence network in the territories of the Social Areas A02 and A04 involving the various actors who find themselves directly and indirectly supporting women in their path to escape from violence. This objective can be pursued through the elaboration of a coordinated action plan, or an operational protocol that can be adopted by the individual nodes of the network, to coordinate their respective skills and make the path of women more effective after the emergence of the violence suffered.
Specific Objectives
Sharing and adopting homogeneous procedures throughout the territory by harmonizing methodologies and responses to intercepted needs.
Strengthen forms of assistance and support for women victims of violence and their children through homogeneous ways of strengthening the network of local services, anti-violence centers and assistance services for women victims of violence;
Guarantee the training of all professionals who come into contact with facts of gender-based violence or stalking;
Deepen issues concerning the structure and functioning of groups and the work between groups (status, roles, norms, intergroup interactions);
Facilitate a good communication process between participants by providing theoretical and practical knowledge on communication networks;
Develop effective communication and interpersonal skills oriented to network work
Contents and structure of the course
The training course will start from December 2018 and will end in December 2019 with lessons lasting 5 hours (from 15.00 to 20.00), for a total of 45 hours.
Ability to read the signs of violence against women and minors.
Understanding of the phenomenon of assisted violence.
Ability to identify and recognize the phenomenon of gender-based violence and witnessed violence.
Tools for prevention and assistance in cases of violence.
Needs analysis in networking.
Ability to analyze one's own resources and limits within the work team
Methods of intervention and operational and procedural practices in thenetwork work.
Ability to analyze the interaction process in defining common objectives
Communication networks,team work.
Listening to the Woman.
Attentive focus and empathic listening.
Problem Solving
Basic knowledge on the axioms of human communication.
Active listening
Procedural protocol strategically oriented to the needs of the territory.
Interact with the group
Predisposition for sharing common ideas and objectives
The role of the professional in relation to effective communication
Help work with the mistreating man
Emotional management of users.
Dissemination of good operating practice and active procedures of the network protocol.
Ability to identify and implement practical application strategies in the efficiency of the work team and in network work.
Identification of resources of individuals and of the group in order to obtain a functional integration of team work.
Legislative references and envisaged legal obligations.
Previous knowledge of legislation relating to gender violence and implementation of team intervention.
Framework of laws and guidelines issued by the WHO and overview in other European countries.
Conclusion and evaluation of learning.
Understanding of previous content and evaluation.
Evaluation questionnaire
1st Seminar for schools: Recognize witnessed violence and its consequences.
Ability to observe and signs and symptoms.
Analysis of indicators that indicate the situations involved in the phenomenon of witnessed violence
2nd Seminar for schools:
Report, design the network work for the implementation of an application protocol.
Seminar open to all public and private actors:
Implementation of the application protocol and fight against gender violence.
Understanding and implementation of practical application strategies in the efficiency of the work team and in networking.
Articulation of the entire project and of the issues addressed.
Having read the main application procedures discussed during the training period.