Traveling to the Campania provinces to present the project to the institutions and territories.
Tour Non Vedo, Non Sento, Non Parlo
Tour Non Vedo, Non Sento, Non Parlo


Maltrattamenti su minori: "A noi il compito di rimarginare le ferite, mai più silenzio ma denuncia"

"Non vedo, non sento, non parlo", un progetto aiutare i minori maltrattati

Napoli. Ecco il progetto non vedo non sento non parlo
September 13, 2021
1st stage - NAPLES
Sala Armieri of Palazzo Armieri - Campania Region - 11.00 am
Rosario Giovanni Pepe, President of the Social Cooperative "La Goccia"
Marco Rossi Doria, President of the Social Enterprise "With children"
Daniela D'Elia, Psychotherapist and EMDR Supervisor
Giuseppe Scialla, Guarantor for childhood and adolescence, Campania Region
Samuele Ciambriello, Guarantor of the rights of prisoners, Campania Region
Lucia Fortini, Councilor for Education, Youth Policies, Social Policies, Campania Region

April 5, 2022
5th stage - AVELLINO
Sala Cosiliare of the Comue di Avellino - 11.00 am
Rosario Giovanni Pepe,President of the Social Cooperative "La Goccia"
Gianluca Festa, Mayor of the Municipality of Avellino
Vittorio D'Alessio, Mayor of the Municipality of Mercogliano
Bianca Della Valle, Director of the Anti-Crime Division of the Avellino Police Headquarters
Luigi Bramati, Provincial Commander of the Carabinieri
Carmen Guarino, Psychotherapist UOC Childhood and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry ASL Avellino
Francesco Melillo, Provincial President of Confcooperative Avellino
Antonella Tomasetta, Project manager
Giusi Pamela Valvacler, Psychotherapist EMDR Avellino specialist team
Maria Teresa Cipriano, Headmaster IPSEOA "Manilo Rossi-Doria" of Avellino
Valentina Di Grazia, Save the Children Italy

September 24, 2021
2nd stage - BENEVENTO
Council Chamber of Palazzo Mosti
10:30 am
Rita DE FLORIOLa Piccola Perla social cooperative, partner of the project
Cinzia DE LUCAPsychotherapist Emdr
Clemente MASTELLAmayor of Benevento
Luigi AMBROSONECouncilor for Social Policies of the Municipality of Benevento
Alessandro VERDICCHIODirector of the Social Services Sector of the Municipality of Benevento

21 October 2021
3rd stage - SALERNO
Sala Bottiglieri of Palazzo Sant'Agostino c / o Province of Salerno - 10:00 am
Orlando Morra, Sociologist and Contact Person for the Social Cooperative il Sollievo - Angri (Sa)
Laura D'Aniello, Systemic-Relational Psychotherapist, Psychodiagnostic, EMDR Therapist
Giuseppe Scialla, Guarantor for children and adolescents of the Campania Region
Antonio Pagano, Pediatrician ASL Napoli 3 Sud- CIPe National Vice President and Campania Regional Secretary
Giuliana Postiglione, Deputy Chief of the State Police - Head of the Detached Commissariat of Sarno
Rosetta Cappelluccio, Cognitive - Behavioral Psychotherapist and Traumatologist - Teacher and Supervisor of the AT Beck Institute Rome Caserta
Rosamaria Zampetti,Head of UOSD. Health Promotion
Luigi D'Alessio, Psycho-pedagogist UOSD Contact Person Health Promotion Project Ben… Being in Love Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases
Anna De Simone, Head of School Comprehensive Institute "Vassalluzzo" Roccapiemonte (Sa)
For institutional greetings:
Michele Strianese, President of the Province of Salerno
Carmine Pagano, Mayor of the Municipality of Roccapiemonte (Sa)
Maria D'Aniello, Councilor for Social and Youth Policies - Municipality of Angri (Sa)

November 4, 2021
4th stage - AVERSA (CE)
Council Chamber of the Municipality of Aversa - 10:00 am
Teresa Orrea,Clinical pedagogist and family mediator - President and Contact Person of the Social Cooperative for Men
Giuseppina Vallefuoco,Psychotherapist Expert in EMDR
Luigi di Santo,Councilor for Social Policies of the Municipality of Aversa
Gemma Accardo,Coordinator of the Territorial Area C06
Emilio Di Fusco, Social Assistant of the Professional Social Service of the Municipality of Aversa
Sara Rotundo, President of the Multi-professional Juvenile Chamber of the North Naples Court
Francesco Iannucci, President of CAM - "Missionary Animation Center"
For the institutional greetings thedr. Alfonso Golia- Mayor of the Municipality of Aversa